Wholesale Cufflinks

  • Top Quality, Fashionable Products Perfect for Your Store
  • Deep Wholesale Discounts - factory direct
  • Low Minimums ($250 for first purchase)
  • Free Shipping
  • Two Box Options to Meet Your Needs


We proudly offer discounts to serve wedding parties, business functions, and many other occasions. Many mens boutiques and womens boutiques both in the US and abroad regularly stock their shelves with our affordable products. They know that they can command a healthy ROI (return on investment) due to our deep discounts of list price.

As we approach the holiday season mens accessories and/or cufflinks might be the perfect solution! After all, what else can you buy the your long lost uncle that has everything? We recommend a gift certificate on $25, $50, or $100 increments.

If you are ordering 5 or more products please feel free to contact us directly at mike@cuff-daddy.com for pricing discounts. Tell us what budget you are working with and how many people you need to serve and we’ll gladly meet your needs. We'll email you a response within hours offering you a discount with a unique coupon code. If you'd like to proceed, all you'll need to do is enter the coupon code during checkout. It's that easy!

Don’t forget, we aren’t satisfied if you aren’t completely satisfied. If at any time in the first 15 days you are unsatisfied with your purchase you may return the order for a complete refund (excludes applicable shipping & handling charges).

Thanks so much for your interest!

Cuff-Daddy, LLC, 11763 Owens Glen Way - Suite 120, North Potomac, MD 20878.

Phone 888.808.9944 / email: mike@cuff-daddy.com